I don’t like the term “switch,” but I understand it’s here to stay.
I’d rather use a term created by rollerbladers, like “unnatural,” but I know there’s too many syllables.
“Opposite” was another good term, but once again, the laziness in all of us (myself included) will tend to lean towards the quick version of the term…. Switch.
And that’s all good and fine, we’ve taken terms from other sports as well, it’s not just “switch.”
“Fakie,” “alley-oop,” even using degrees to describe spinning (unlike ice-skating), we’ve adopted several terms that weren’t originally created by rollerbladers.
But switch…. It’s a term that doesn’t fully describe certain unnatural movements we do in skating.
What do I mean by this?
I’ll use an example:
I’m predominately right footed when it comes to grinding and I spin clockwise.
Meaning, it’s more natural for me to spin into alleyoop grinds spinning clockwise, but that would set me up for a left footed grind.
I’m not predominantly left footed, but the spin is easier for me.
If I spin “switch,” then I could use my dominant right foot, but the spin is unnatural.
That’s the point.
Either way I slice it, it’s “half-switch.”
Or maybe it’s all just regular and we should get over it…. Well, rollerbladers like to complain (I do), so I don’t think “getting over it” will happen anytime soon.
If you don’t think that “half-switch” exists, I challenge you to try any “switch fakie” grind on a quarter pipe to your regular foot.
An example is below.
The royale is right footed, but the fakie is over different shoulders.
Good luck!
There are some tricks though that are “full switch.”
I’ve heard people use that term in the wild and I love it.
Full switch would mean, switch spin and switch foot.
We all know what that feels like.
It’s awful.
But some switch grinds don’t feel awful, because like I stated above, they’re only half switch.
That’s my point.
It’s not a big game changing thought, I just want the term to be adopted.
I think it makes sense.