the big idea: jumbo
So what’s the big idea here?
What are you even looking at and reading about right now?
In short, it’s a joke come to life. Which is great.
Jumbo is (as most skating projects) a project out of creative & emotional necessity for me.
For years I’ve been talking about “making this brand” or “working on this video.”
But up until now, it’s been all talk.
So what changed?
What caused the extra spur of motivation to actually pull the trigger and commit to the never ending work which is the Jumbo project?
A few things.
Most notably, having skating taken away from me. The old story of “you want what you can’t have.” I haven’t been able to skate, so I need to be around it in some facet.
Secondly, for myself. To leave my little mark in skating (if possible).
Video projects are cool, but something about having a physical product makes it feel… “Real.”
Lastly, I’ve said for years that skating is missing a ton of different kinds of media. I’m noticing it being said more and more as of late (thank goodness) and it’s true. Rollerblading, for the most part, has been a one trick pony. What I mean is, if you’re a new-comer to skating and you don’t know what you’re looking for, there isn’t much to find.
You can find a bunch of tricks to music on youtube. Maybe a few poorly filmed skate reviews (ours included! haha) and some pretty generic interviews…. That’s it… For the most part.
I like to classic edits as much as the next guy, we’re going to make those too but.. There has to be more.
I want to showcase everything about skating that makes it special. Not just the activity, but what comes along with it. It’s so much more than just learning tricks. It’s finding your community, having the encouragement to travel, wanting to create things (videos, spots, art, companies, etc..)
That’s the part you don’t see very often.
Sure, there might be a little b-roll before a section.
Or maybe you follow some people on social media and they post funny stories from time to time… But honestly?… Wack.
Social media is ok. I like it for the dopamine fix and the easy communication with long distance friends.
It’s effect on skating culture? Awful.
Tiktok blading?…. Eh… That’s another rant entirely.
The point is, there needs to be MORE to skating.
If I can help with that, I will.